Monday, November 25, 2013

Frustrated by Finding my Element!

Sorry to leave you hanging....I promised to originally post last Thursday and I had my oldest's preschool thanksgiving program at his school. Three-year olds dressed in turkey hats singing off-key is by far the sweetest thing ever. Seriously. I wouldn't have believed it until I saw it.

I have been overall delinquent in blogging because, let's face it folks, we are all inundated with a million things to read every day and adding one more thing to the list stinks. So I have been posting tips in the status box of my finding your element page for ppl to quickly peruse (My Facebook Page) But some things take a little longer to go through like today's topic.  I won't lie, finding your element can be extremely exciting....AND extremely overwhelming all at the same time. It's exciting for the fact that it has the potential to make your life super easy, allow you to be fashionable without a high price tag (I love target clearance racks and consignment places ppl!) and enable all of your clothes to coordinate with one another in your closet.  It also has the ability to frustrate you to the point of being paralyzed:(. I've been there. Most of my clients have been there. Most of my futures clients could be there. So what's the solution?  More exposure, more exposure, and, have I mentioned: MORE EXPOSURE?!?!

Other than training with the founder of the elements for six months like I did, how can the average person get more experience therefore making their element easier? Here are three things YOU can do today that won't cost you a thing and will make your element (and life) easier:

Follow me on Pinterest:  most of my clients are already doing this but not all.  Even if the clothes that I pin are not in your size or even style, you can most certainly get benefit from the colors on my element boards: air, water, fire, earth.  You can create your own board on Pinterest and repin some from me and voila! You now have clothes to compare any future online purchases to.  It's simple: my Pinterest will provide you with free shopping but if my tastes don't jive with yours, my Pinterest will at least provide a comparison for items you are considering.  If it's in your element it will go with the rest of the items I have pinned, if not: save your pennies. Here is my Pinterest page!

  "Like" me on Facebook: I provide not just clothing items but tips weekly that pertain to each of the four elements.  I will be addressing makeup and hairstyles for each element I'm the coming weeks.  Here is my Facebook page!

Lastly, reach out to me:  I noticed the people who get the most out of the elements are those who are closest to me.....because they aren't afraid to ask me questions. They send me pics, they text me and they Facebook message me items they want to buy.  It's not hard and it's free.  Snap a pic and send it my way and I will help you out as quickly as possible.  Here is my email!

I hope all of my clients understand that the Elements are what you make them out to be.  It can be all encompassing and life changing....if you allow it to be and are willing to learn more.  Like anything worthwhile, you get back what you put into it.

Be well, live well

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