Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Three Things Every Man Should Know....

This three-part blog series over the next few weeks is dedicated to the dudes. 

Objective:  To show our male counterparts the importance of going beyond suit and tie-with consideration given to color, style, texture-and how it dramatically affects the perception of you to the following….EVERYONE.

Evidence:  Ambady & Rosenthal (some smarties from Harvard) performed a study and published their findings in the Psychological Bulletin 1992, Vol. III, No. 2, pg 256-274.  In this study, they proved that not only do we make quick decisions with small amounts of data….*drumroll*…we actually make correct classifications (assumptions) nearly 70% of the time.  Let’s break it down to normal-people lingo:  Several really, really smart people have done studies, to prove that we stereotype everyone….ACCURATELY (big deal here, folks)……within 30 seconds of meeting them. Before you consider stepping up onto your soapbox consider this: it’s not shallow, it’s SCIENCE.  The study goes on to say judgments from roughly 30-seconds of observation were as accurate as those at 5-minutes of observation.  So, whether we are going in for an interview, a big client meeting, a date, or a court appearance the first 30-seconds count and it can take YEARS to mitigate the first 30-second impression you left.  YEARS! Just because you’re a dude and you may think “fashion is for girls” know this: your “fashion” is either helping or hindering you and it can take years to recover from anything less than a positive first impression.  Do you have years to work with a new client and make the sale?  Do you have years to give testimony in court? Do you have years to convince Mr. Target Corp VP to hire you?  Do you have years to convince Sally Sue to date you?  Maybe, but I’m betting if you are anything like any of the men I know you would rather your time is better spent elsewhere:  like showing your prospect your skills and abilities.  Your clothing is always communicating something; the question is “what do you want to communicate?” 

Thus begins my three-part series on things you can do about it NOW:

1.  Get Lazy:  You heard me.  Get Lazy Guys.  You want more time to golf with your college cronies, watch football while eating Top the Tator, or take your beautiful wife to dinner (hint hint) then you gotta find something that works for you and shop quickly and effectively.  Heck, if you had, let’s say, something like a comprehensive palette that includes colors, styles, textures that you know will support you and your message-you could even have someone else shop for you! (Hallelujah!)  I don’t know how many guys enjoy shopping….even if they do, generally, it’s not for very long.  When you find your Element, it’s a one time deal, and you will know with 100% certainty for the rest of your life what will “work” with you and enhance your message and you will also learn how to avoid what has a large potential to distract people from your message.  Saving time, money, confusion while shopping means more football, golf memberships, a happy wife AND confidence J

Next Week:  Part 2:  "Don't Own a Black Suit"

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